Dear 30 year old me!
You are probably sitting in hospital right now, again, having been there for nearly a year. I just wanted to write to you to let you know that things are going to get better. Its not going to happen straight away and there will be lots of changes but they will happen.
Don’t be alarmed but You are going to be in hostipal for another couple of years, I know you have been against going into supported living but it does take some time to convince you.
You will go and see a couple of supported living scheme, some are going to be a definite no, but you are going to settle on one, Ballymisert, as soon as you see the flat, there will be no doubt in your mind, this is where you want to live. Getting your keys is going to make you feel so happy, although a little bit nervous as well!
Moving into Ballymisert will be a learning for you. It will be a big change, and you know you don’t like change. You will still have some stays in hostipal but they will be short and you will get a new diagnosis that will make sense to you. You will be given the opportunity to learn about your new diagnosis and go on courses, these will help you understand more about yourself and why you feel the way you feel. It will be a game changer for you. The staff at Ballymisert will become like a second family to you. There will be ups and downs but trust them, they have your best interests at heart.
Don’t be alarmed, but your mobility will have reduced due to the longs stays in hospital but a mobiltiy scooter is going to give you a lot more freedon and independence. You will use it to get outside something that will be a massive beneift to your mental health.
One of your dreams will come true, Ella will come into your life just as you turn 40. Ella is the Cat that you have always wanted. She will give you responsibility and you will love looking after her. You will love her being there and she is company for you.
I want to tell you about the family because there has been some changes! You will be an auntie again to a gorgeous little boy and he will also change your life, seeing things though his eyes. You will be a bit apprehensive about this at the start but you will be a big part in his life. You will also have a little niece and the proudest moment when your sister will ask you to be her godmother.
No matter what happens in the the coming years, your family will be there for you for all the good and bad. You might try to push them away but they will always be there for you and the relationships you have with them all now, are the best it has ever been.
Nothing will be the same as it is for you now. You will be happy, content, independent and have people around you who love you.